Main Courses, Salads and Side Dishes

Spring Vegetable Risotto

I was reading through Twitter a few weeks ago when one of my favorite baseball wives posted something like this: "making risotto tonight. Who the f*%# knew this took so long. #husbandorderingpizza #kids screaming". I burst out laughing by myself when I read this. When I think of risotto, I think of a chef with… Continue reading Spring Vegetable Risotto

Salads and Side Dishes

Saffron Quinoa

Preface for my non-Jewish readers. One of the main elements in keeping Passover is to restrict eating any form of wheat or leavened bread products. Posting a quinoa recipe for Passover will definitely raise some flags for my Jewish readers. For even slightly religious Jews, quinoa is not acceptable for Passover. You can go back… Continue reading Saffron Quinoa

Salads and Side Dishes

Spring Beet Salad

Although it may not feel like it in New England, spring is on the way! I promise! We will do our best to pack the sunshine with us and bring it up the coast on our drive. I wanted to make a salad for Passover because all of the traditional vegetable dishes are so heavy, especially… Continue reading Spring Beet Salad

Salads and Side Dishes

Brussels Sprout Salad with Mandarin Oranges & Almonds

Time seems to be flying by down here in Florida, and while looking at my calendar over the weekend I realized that Saint Patrick's Day is this Sunday! I don't always celebrate Saint Patrick's Day with a whole lot of commotion- probably because I'm not Irish- but as a food blogger I love holidays because… Continue reading Brussels Sprout Salad with Mandarin Oranges & Almonds