Soups Stews and Chilis

Zucchini Basil Soup with Grilled Cheese

This soup is a great way to get your greens in the winter months! Cooked zucchini has a really creamy texture once it's blended, so you can skip out on the loads of actual cream, but still have that hearty taste. The fresh basil gives it some bright notes, and a reminder that warmer weather is… Continue reading Zucchini Basil Soup with Grilled Cheese

Salads and Side Dishes

Farmers’ Market Vegetable Salad

On my days off from work, there is nothing better than walking around the farmers' market. Especially if Ryan is in town and I get to drag him with me. My favorite market is in Lippit Park here on Saturday mornings and really has become a community event. There are tons of fruit and vegetable… Continue reading Farmers’ Market Vegetable Salad

Salads and Side Dishes

Zucchini Kugel for Passover

Happy Passover everyone! As usual I'm away from home this time of year and sad to be missing my grandmother's famous Sedar dishes. Instead of trying to replicate or come even close to the production that the ladies of my family are putting on this year, I am doing a few small dishes to make… Continue reading Zucchini Kugel for Passover

The Bakery

Zucchini (Avocado?!) Muffins

February flew by (even with an extra day!) and St. Patrick's Day is just around the corner. It's easy to over indulge with any holiday, but especially one that is celebrated by drinking and eating. To start a healthy celebration early, I will be posting green inspired recipes from now until St. Patrick's Day! These… Continue reading Zucchini (Avocado?!) Muffins